Cookie policy

Cookies are used to enable a service provided by the web page, as well as to improve a service and/or better to comply with Your needs.

Types of cookies which we use;

The cookies used are strictly necessary cookies which track the service and without the use of which the service will not be able to operate, therefore cannot be deactivated.

AbSent user cookie consent

With every visit of the web page by the User the strictly necessary cookies are activated, without which the service cannot be provided.

Below follows the description of cookies which are used when using AbSent with their functionality:

No: Cookie/file/data name Functionality
1 XSRF-TOKEN System protection in a form of random string that protect the site of hack attacks, , without taking your personal informations in any way.
2 absent_session Store system data, without taking your personal informations in any way.
3 _ga, _gid These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come from geographically, and the pages they have visited, the devices and browsers the visitor is using.
3 absent-cookie-policy-consent This cookie is used to record if a visitor has seen our cookie policy notification bar.
Last updated on: 01/01/2020.